Summer Games Done Quick 2016 has wrapped up. The event raised around $1.3 million for Doctors Without Borders during the week long charity stream where around 170 games and 200 players donated their time and expertise to give the gaming community an entertaining 24/7 display of gripping moments, glitched games and great commentary.


I’ve compiled a list of the what I think were the highlights of the event, based on how entertaining the games were, how impressive the runners were, and how cool some of the spectacles were to watch.

This list is a compilation of the best runs throughout the event, spanning races to co-op, blind-runs to glitch exhibition.


For the uninitiated, the point of the speedrunning community is to beat a game as quickly as possible. For any given game, there is a pocketed community that devotes hours in finding the fastest path, developing the best execution and discovers the newest time savers. Completing a game can mean many things to many people. The categories are typically:

  • Any % (Complete the game with any percent of the game completed)
  • 100% (Complete the game with everything collected)
  • Glitchless (Complete the game without unintended exploits)
  • Race (Compete against other players to beat the game as quickly as possible) – used more for games with heavy randomness throughout the game.To view the official world records for many games, you can check them out at is probably enough background to understand the majority of speedrun videos and enough to understand the highlights for SGDQ2016.

Abrv Best Of

Move Tech

Super Mario Sunshine

Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds


Mario Maker (Blind Race)

Super Metroid (race)


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Blindfolded)


Jak and Daxter (Commentary)


Other Highlights (in chronological order):

Super Mario Sunshine

Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Race)

Catherine (1player – 2 controllers)

Ratchet and Clank

Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX


Castlevania: Dracula X

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Blindfolded)

Freedom Planet

Sonic ’06

Tetris Attack (Race)

Jak and Daxter (Commentary)

Tetris: Grandmasters

Elder Scrolls: Skyrim

Super Amazing Wagon

Super Mario Land

Super Mario Bros 3

Super Mario World (race)

Mario Maker (Blind Race)


Pokemon Red (race)

TASBot Block

Super Metroid (race)

Super Mario RPG


Other GDQ Highlights

AGDQ 2016 Highlights


SGDQ2016 Official Playlist:

Twitter: @GIntrospection